Monopoly - with a difference ...
We play a game:
Your goal:
The company, for transform dependencies Mob unsuspecting zombies.
live buried, so to speak, languishing in hell,
will bring you up to her death as much profit as possible.
Here you can be successful only if you like your fellow man with cheap fast food make you ill, she poisoned with alcohol, they turn on a false love, or tell them they can for "prosperity" to work in your company.
This is fraud and corruption, pimping and drug dealing are common. You must file with much finesse from the trust of your customers and slave labor to make them work without problems for either you or them if necessary using a corrupt police force for years to bring in a labor camp can. There
customers it enough, they come from all over the world as long as you know the scene is active with attraction in your city hold to market your sites and provide you with even better offers.
At stake were teammates or people in the long term not having fun because they sooner or later become victims of your system are monopolies.
May they be ever so kind to you, they will hate you, your system and these people in this system. But since you've won their trust by advertising, it is impossible to hate you. You would have to lock away.
There is little help from little opportunities for cooperation own ranks, this armseelig zombies. For their social environment, it unfortunately also not enough because of their environment totaly mental disorders and self-injury affects. You must ensure that this complex extends more and more, all over the world.
The increase of this kind of sadistic slave system would be the best example of a small-
e Social Change your scenery. They will succeed in adding it to creep up with lobby cartels in the do-gooders policy, offer you the tax increase, to print more money and loot the pension funds.
fresh healthy person you offer clothes ala "Germany's Next Top Model" also offer you the tits to surgery so that they do not get any inferiority complexes. Old people do you offer the best tasting pharmaceutical products, not to burst with guilt feeling neglected this world, and they must not die in agony.
Here you notice the success of your reforms, people are still convinced of your brand. It may be in the upper luxury class only pretty zombies. People can be unaware of one these inhuman creatures.
you make sales in the cash register, because your concept of employment eine Steigerung von der normalen Abzocke zum Ausbau von Zwangsarbeit und Prostitution dient , und somit der Wertsteigerung deines Konzernes hilft.
Die Leistung deiner Marken kosten Geld, keiner deiner Kunden wird verschont. Hat jemand nicht diese Marke wird er unter den Geschlechtsgenossen verachtet.
Man sieht an den Gewaltzahlen und Selbstmorden die Effektivität deines Systems. Es werden keine Kinder mehr geboren, weil den Menschen die biologische Kraft und das gesunde Selbstbewusstsein fehlt.
Nun hast du dich zum König und Zuhälter von Menschen und unmenschlichen Menschen gemacht, die dir sowieso egal sind. Nur ein paar deiner privaten Freunde oder Verwandte profitieren eben als Sekretär, Funktionär or just as a pimp from your system. You can easily settle anywhere in the world in their resorts, where they feel at home and feel free and can be rehabilitated, to be protected from inhuman and zombie plague.
If your customers are not just assigned to working-class or precariat. So fresh and new from the country, they are to make good things debts or just to plunder the account of their parents because they are very fast depending on your system.
it will cost you is your position in the New World Order sure the disease is to let off steam over the next 15 years on the planet, and the terrible war without weapons produce.
You need to work only the manager of your company to leave. You can bear it in your suite or pay the aristocratic court.
Because now you are the winner of the game. But maybe not happy, just because no one is able to play with you ...
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