Thursday, March 4, 2010

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the tremendous power of vegan raw food and its social consequences


There are 4 different types of food
denominated as:

a) biogenic - what sprouts, soaked almonds, soaked grain and Frischkornbreie and another one, they provide important, which is split proteins, alkaline minerals, energy-rich enzymes, nucleic acids, etc to revitalize the body . They are an engine for building a universal life force.

b) bioactive - can receive the life force of healthy humans and easily increase . Which include fresh, unprocessed raw fruits and vegetables .

c) biostatically : any cooked, dried, canned or baked foods. you receive are the life nor are they life-giving, they decrease the quality of body function and drive the process of aging and slow.

d) biosaure : including sauces, fats, alcohol, meat, cheese, bread, sugar, cake and nicotine. They lead to the rapid degradation of vital energy and remove the body immediately Vital Entzyme or changing them.

My experience

I long for me rumexpementieren a few healthy foods reduced in a) and b) can be evaluated. This is one Frischkornbreie are as soaked oatmeal, soaked almonds or soaked buckwheat, which I attach my way for the next day every night . I have given I'm vegetable or fruit juices and salads .

The organism consumes an incredible amount of energy alone in the digestion of food energetically weak. Unlike working energetically rich food free of charge and work independently in the body, you can feel the energy generated by all muscles flows. It is more awake in the head and gets a healthy sense of self for the Nahrungsaufnahme.d

This does not mean that one should starve. hunger and appetite can be stopped by an inner is food and mineral regulation gewärleistet. A bowl of oatmeal soaked can also saturate a whole day and provide power, assuming the body is detoxified and loaded with little unnatural foods.

If we look at the colon, we see that they are anatomically similar to a heater. Enzyme-rich food like a Frischkornbrei can provide a lot of energy, it is the nature selbstverdauenden Vegetable of end products. As in a biogas plant, the energy is released without any problems and ensures relaxed warmth around the abdomen. This energy, of course, we shared with both the formation of glycogen in the muscles and the hemoglobin of the blood.

Why must this be raw food now?

It must be raw because it selbstverdauende enzymes were not zuerstört. We know the equation from the Chemical Education of the reduction. If you heat a body for a reduction, we will ensure that vital oxygen from this element and this element is separated by energy content is inferior. Meanwhile, we can split with a sound system from a saliva uncooked carbohydrate meal a lot easier than the first one in the stomach acid to rise to the cleavage of difficult to digest food. If we dry nuts in a glass, you can find after a day on which energy can release this nut, it will start to germinate and heats the water and its surroundings.

with vegan raw food can be to get more than they want to believe some people. On gesammtsozialer level could cure many people and even such as alcoholics, diabetics, or for their Adipositaskanke Vernunftt get. However, there is a lack of public response, an altered body brings more profit than a healthy economy.

We hardly need cooks, butchers, snack, coffee, candy or cigarettes or seller forces the bar, they were virtually unemployed when the company would in practice abstinence. Doctors need to have hardly prescribe tablets or send sick in the stomach would Rehabilisationskliniken.


with raw food is one of about 50% less on food. This is an incredible phenomenon. There would be less disturbed ADHD, because in them finally rest stop off, so to speak, they erziehlen no Hyperglyämische reactions (hypoglycemia and the organism) a full-lichene Parasympatikuswirkung in her body. Because the body is adequately supplied with water, phosphate-containing cheese or sausage with nitrite scoring just the opposite. etc. etc.

We are dealing here with a social dogma which so deep inside sits and to which we are so powerless. good that can go a man of inner strength that way. There are many stones in the direction that we must live by, you must understand. If you mix it once erkannt hat, ist die Wirkung enorm. Wir können von unserem eigenen Verhalten lernen und setzen die Latte in unserer Selbstdisziplin immer höher, wir entscheiden selbst für uns wie Leistungsfähig wir sein wollen. Demnach müssen Rohköstler grenzenlose Optimisten sein , für sie steht die Welt offen. Sie leben lange, sie können sich Zeit nehmen.

Nach etlichen Jahren kann ich von mit bei weitem noch nicht behaupten, dass mein Körper geheilt ist. Ich habe jedoch erst einmal zu einen der größten Einflussfaktoren für unser Wohlbefinden beigetragen, dass es mir gut geht. In der Richtung hoffe ich natürlich, dass sich etwas in dieser Gesellschaft verändert. Es ist schwer. Sehr schwer. Instead, I am amazed at the stupidity and ignorance that exists in this society, this hollow hypocrisy of the media to fool the people again and again.


Also this murderous use of Mc Stupid, pointless prestige and Co. will give us no help to overcome the financial crisis , if not everyone has the opportunity to make his own garden to have to grow his own vegetables, to free themselves from the inflated prices, rents, taxes and the senseless secondary boredom. It is no coincidence that President Obama alcohol drinking and cigarette smoking. It is no coincidence that many of them even many managers, the enormous power of a corrupt society and thus biosauren life can hardly escape.

We are at a crossroads when it comes to whether Germany is to the eternal looser or even find its way back. We all have similar needs for social activity and vitality, there are so many incredible opportunities that need only be used. Then grow the transition to creative joy and creative activity, and thus the will to revive a society at a right level of responsibility and reason. We are here and we have to choose it in your hand.


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