Saturday, March 6, 2010

Complaints Against Dr.a Arvind Poswal

The Norbekov-teaching seminar and the thing with the self-confidence!

yes, the first 2 days were really exciting, if only my car trips to Küsnacht: on Friday I found myself quite naturally the center of Zurich and struggled with confidence through the Rushour but today came the mega challenge. Snow and ice Congestion without end and when I shortly before ZH heard on the news that because of ice in ZH no bus more I realized where my roots are: In Enzklösterle (Northern Black Forest) in my home. Yes I am always driven by snow-covered road! So I came up with this feeling of safety on snow and ice ably replaced by ZH but with 1.5 hours delay in Küsnacht. (3 hours travel time from Kreuzlingen to Küsnacht, since women could ride with the bike .. almost) "cycle"


On 13 May Launch Claudi Xander and I for our tour gene Nice. On the Route de Napoleon Biel goes from over the Alps to Nice. It had long been a wish of mine and Claudia is the fun . Make

Training for today has also unnecessary, because my heart rates were Schlitterei Thanks to the highest level.


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