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The body the sum of its cells (about 10 to 15 cells). The Prof. Virchow already over 100 years has recognized. This enormous number (100,000 times more than people on earth) of cells, each of which a living being, a soul aspect represents must of course be supplied with oxygen, water, materials (food) and energy. This is no easy task, which has resolved the body but perfect. Heaven and earth work, finally already a few billion years on it. This divine miracle is perfect. Let's explore and use us according to His will! Quote
Dr. A. Carrel (Nobel laureate) "The cell is immortal. It is only the liquid (water), in which it floats that degenerates." This Dr. Carrel has chicken heart cells received 28 years of life, with daily change of culture medium with fresh chicken blood. All cells are constantly with all other related, so I say even with the whole universe from which they are themselves the reflection, a microcosm . They need light (energy) in the form of bio-photons, to talk, clean DNS (clean = clear reception antennas) and a crystalline, aqueous medium in order to reach high frequencies / energies. higher the frequency, the higher the information density and energy content . With a crystalline medium (blood) could easily understand the appropriate frequency and store the energy. Cells can be received in plenty of light in a position in one second of data, process or transmit in excess of our imagination and knowledge of humanity by far (15-30 times). Maybe you should still be better to listen to his whole body, rather than conditioned only on the cerebral cortex?
The Blut ist das Futter der Zellen , Kreislauf u. Lymphe stellen das Transportmittel, die Gefäße sind die Straßen, die Meridiane die Stromleitungen, die Organe und Gewebe sind die Speicher und spezialisierten Funktionseinheiten, Abfälle werden von Blut und Lymphe mit Hilfe von Wasser über die Organe entsorgt. Man kann den Körper vereinfacht auffassen als Zusammenschluss von fünf großen Zellfamilien mit jeweils 4 Spezialisten, die sich die anfallende Arbeit teilen. Die Zellen sitzen quasi alle in einem Boot (die Menschen auch) und arbeiten stets zum Wohle des Körpers . Betrachtet man den Körper als Mikrokosmos, so ist die Erde der entsprechende Makrokosmos. Es wäre wünschenswert, wenn sich die Bewohner der Erde ein Beispiel an ihren Zellen nehmen würden. Dann könnten leicht 12 Milliarden Menschen (10hoch9) glücklich und ohne Not in diesem Paradies Erde leben.
Die Chinesen sagen, „Das Kleine spiegelt sich im Großen und das Große spiegelt sich im Kleinen“ . So wie die Erde immer stärker übersäuert (siehe Waldsterben) und vergiftet wird, so wird auch der Mensch übersäuert und vergiftet werden, was man an der immer schlechter werdenden gesundheitlichen Constitution of the people and the associated cost explosion in health care provides. Each poison poison that we sow, we ourselves and make the parasites only unnecessary work. do Is the poison in us, they will also transform us so that something useful will become of us: for example, fertilizer and compost.
Sun sick and poisoned, as the plants we eat, we are so sick and poisoned . As the plants we live then only artificially by the use of chemicals and technology. It's quality of life and life more and more lost. Our body is a natural product that is a natural food dependent. The more plant-based minerals and micro-organisms that contains the food and the less it has been processed and the fresher it is, the more it builds up the body and stabilized him. The modified food is, the more likely they are consumed the body. Who 20 min after the meal is tired should consider whether the food their meaning, to bring force has met or whether they might cost more (not about money, no life force) as it has brought. My recommendation: Eat nothing that makes you tired - you prefer fast! not eat as much as possible, but as much as necessary. Only class, then You do not need mass.
Since the man is a basic nature (blood pH 7.45) is, it is desirable to adjust the pH value to increase again, with vegetable base drinks, by alkaline baths and washes, alkaline dental and personal care, alkaline wraps and rinses and 93% vegetarian whole foods, natural products fermented by itself, by natural salt in order to counteract the acidity. This effectively protects you, simply by supporting the body chemistry, his valuable deposits of minerals, which then must not be wasted to neutralize the acids, but to build the store again. (See acids and bases).
Die Harmonie zwischen der bewussten Seele und der von Ihr geführten Persönlichkeit (Ego + Körper) ist der Schlüssel zu ganzheitlicher Gesundheit. Zitat Dr. Edward Bach. Eben die Harmonie zwischen Körper, Seele, Geist.
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