risks and opportunities, if we compare with other
"theory of social comparison processes" people feel the need to evaluate their abilities and opinions.
This is one of the key messages of Leon Festinger's theory of social comparison processes. Her to influence the comparison with other people, how we rate ourselves. A tremendous opportunity for our development, but at high risk of self-awareness.
get carried along
I've always focused on them that in my personal life for me is the measure of all things in a discipline were. If someone eight hours a day practicing the guitar and play like a madman could, then that person was for me the benchmark. I did not practice eight hours a day, but I wanted to play so well. So I have a balance looking out for me time and reasonable exercise of the power that came at the end of this round. "Geared up" Among other things, by this I am motivated and even had someone to whom I could look up in the discipline. Someone to tell me mitzog.
But: If I'm always oriented at the top only, then I set higher with increasing their own capacity always raises the bar up a notch. If I suffer only look up, then long-term self-confidence. For in the true sense of the word, this comparison is misleading. In most cases the reasons for greater expertise in one area more experience, higher performance and Sacrifice and a higher endurance. Talent and luck also play a role, but certainly only a supporting. Actually you would have these reasons for the extra power of the "comparison partner" and keep only the self-confidence would be protected. Should ...
the head once sent down
I've become accustomed, from time to time to take a "look down". Just to the people who are not yet a discipline, as far as I am. Not out of arrogance and waste, not to enhance his own ego again because others are not ready. But because I can therefore hold up the way I'm gone, and because I can finish in this way the gravity of the other way a little. I need only stay tuned ...
The golden mean found
The theory of social comparison processes
points out that the comparison "rather with individuals who have similar skills and opinions" how itself takes place. A healthy way of development and the truth of self-consciousness. Because usually it's the same age, experienced similar and comparable educated, with whom I am in daily life in the competition.
Once you've stopped turning the screw the expectation of himself to continue upwards, then even the occasional glance up not harmful, but have become fertile.
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