Annoyed! SOUR! FRUSTRATED! ...
My mood is just in the basement under the basement. I really have nothing more to desire.
have now I feel stupid, that no matter where I go and no matter what I do, will hit on by the page.
Sometimes I am also to blame, because I simply take too much to heart. This then usually means that I get hours (lately days) upset and migraine.
Da ich mich auch noch in der Klausurphase befinde, bin ich doppelt gestresst.
Ich versuche ja, mich nicht mehr so schnell aufzuregen, aber es klappt irgenwie nicht.
Und dann reg ich mich darüber auf, dass ich mich aufrege... Teufelskreislauf !
Gestern erreichte meine schlechte Laune vorerst ihren Höhepunkt.
Vor ca. 3 Monaten hatte mich eine Bekannte gefragt, ob ich in ihrer Nachhilfeschule Latein-Nachhilfeunterricht geben könnte, bis sie eine neue Lehrkraft findet.
Der alte Lehrer war erkrankt und konnte somit nicht mehr kommen.
Da sonst niemand von den Angestellten Latein kann und sie mir ein bisschen Leid tat, habe ich mich bereit erklärt ihr zu helfen.
Ich hatte ihr jedoch sofort gesagt, that they should stand up strongly on the search for a new person because I study (yes, I study teaching, but no Latin!) is utilized, and work fully.
added me then angepöpelt before all children and parents present, because I would ask too much from the children and the children would have been afraid.
Also, I was too strict and too serious. I must necessarily change my teaching style, or are no longer children.
I was just speechless and flabbergasted. Suddenly a present for mother asked to speak to their daughter in 2nd class, and thought (yes, she has already 2 years tuition!): "Well, that my child is out of school, when she and her Studies are done. Such an arrogant person but may not be a teacher! "
I have said nothing to this woman, because I certainly have long been at their maternal qualities. I mean, why does a child have been the first class tuition? As you learn it only read and write?
But yes, it is easier to send the child to tutoring every day, when even 15 minutes to deal with him and to check the homework.
I can make 90 minutes yesterday, the children, . what they wanted after they all came out of this tutoring radiate joy and said: "Yes, today was good."
acquaintances: "What have you done?" Child: "Um ... joa, bit ! Homework
acquaintances: "WHAT" I "? Yes, you said that I do not want to call"
Known ". No exercises queried words or so"
Me: "No, I repeat: I will not be as severe and does not overwhelm. And as any grammar and vocabulary queries are considered as a requirement, I have left it. "
you you can not at all imagine how pissed I was. As you prepare at home, tinkering different work sheets, since not all children in the same stage and are therefore not on the same level of knowledge, makes it all to volunteer to help and there is a so thank
. Conclusion: I have mega bad mood and really think about whether this career is right for me.
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