One of the largest and most important elements - the so-called
find in the social context of relationships instead. The well-being of the common, and the satisfaction of social communication is one of the most important symbiosis of human nature.
life without relationship would be unthinkable, but just on the field there are many different forms and diversity, from a short moment to protracted civil partnership, by an attention to the lifelong loyalty of the indulgence of caution, from shyness to stalking. A man never lived perpetually on the same level, it changes with age, status, marital status, occupation.
Especially children and young people have great difficulty when they were given too little attention, may develop in adulthood a social deficit. But just when people are mature to meet the ardent desire role models to understand, to love, to imitate them. It can be parents, teachers, adults. It can be a bit more mature young people, fulfilling a role model.
Our whole social position, our social action depends on whether we have learned to make us independent of the particular situation of each other compounds to make friends and ultimately benefit from it.
If you are a good listener, one may well be proud, as a good speaker. A good listener
qualified by the fact that he specifically asks questions, and thus the speech is a basic need to express. A good speaker is qualified by the fact that he questions the needy from the face reads, responds to it and the best content understandable. No one wants to hear stories
has no punch or suspense content. Mostly it is about social interaction - I'll show you that I have "this" or "that" experienced and can show you how to deal with specific problems. The speaker takes the listener as evidence of successful management solution. Both benefit from the situation.
And nothing else is ultimately
communication - management solution for higher Nivieau.
Who has understood the rules is so well through the world. His people appreciate him for his philosophical Repatoir, for his knowledge and experience.
This is ultimately in on for success in business, school, family life. A need is there, even if a person does not look at the first glance, that they might be just the same as oneself through. If you feel the opposite with a little small talk on the tooth, the trust is between two parties. In contrast leads one-way communication, such as too much dominance in the loss of a balanced budget talks.
Deshalb ist es so wichtig am Ball zu bleiben und nie aufzugeben. Es ergibt sich immer wieder eine neue Chance. Warum soll man einem Menschen hinterhertrauern, wo es nicht geklappt hat. Es gibt hunderttausende von Menschen mit denen man Freundschaften schließen kann, solange man selbst aktiv daran arbeitet.
Mag sein, dass diese Arbeit anfangs hart zu meistern ist. Doch ein Meister ist nicht vom Himmel gefallen. Niemand kann permanent Redner sein. Es ist wichtig den Personen, die gerade reden wollen so viel Aufmerksamkeit wie möglich zu schenken. Sie verdanken dir, dass du dich mit ihnen unterhälst und es entsteht eine Gewinnersituation auf beiden Seiten.
Gerade in der Familie kann Kommunikation sehr einseitig verlaufen, deshalb versuchen Jugendlichen an ihren Eltern frühzeitig zu rebellieren bzw. sich Aushilfe zu verschaffen, weil Eltern ja in der Regel gestresst von der Arbeit nach Hause kommen und sich gern mit dem Befehlston ihres Chefs an den Kindern rächen. Natürlich ist es von Haus zu Haus verschieden, aber insgesamt bilden Kommunikation eine Schlüsselposition, wie sich ein Mensch später zurecht findet.
Es ist natürlich fatal, wenn sich Menschen im jungen Alter nichts mehr mit ihren Eltern zu tun haben wollen. Hier hat sich fehlendes Vertrauen beiderseiten eingeschliche und führt zu quälenden Spannungen. Ein Jugendlicher wird sich für abkapseln wollen ohne das man ihn zu einer verantwortlichen Person teaches.
Where a young person opportunities to make an effort for something to work, and for his own dreams to develop goals, the parents have done everything right. The boy or girl develop their own personalities.
In today's society is extremely important to young people something to offer, like a proper education. If you have nothing to relations between people to be consistent to the job and the family to cope.
Unfortunately there are social stratification, which allow in doubt, lack of money to wear for labor and neglect of youth due to lack of care. In a capitalist society even choose the way the underclass deliberately to poor communication practices.
is important no matter where in the job, at school, in life - if he has learned integrated Siert to be, you can win a lot of sympathy from all sides and suffer less in depressive loneliness and the associated communications poverty .
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