I Ging Das Buch der Wandlungen Erstes Buch: Der Text · Erste Abteilung | Das Zeichen ist das Bild eines geöffneten Mundes: oben und unten die festen Lippen und dazwischen die Öffnung des Mundes. Vom Bild des Mundes, durch den man die Speisen aufnimmt, um sich zu ernähren, geht der Gedanke auf die Ernährung selbst über. In the three bottom lines is our own food, namely the physical, in the top three lines, the food and care is another, namely the spiritual, higher, brought to the presentation. | The verdict the mouth. Perseverance brings good fortune. Look at the diet and thus a self looking to fill his mouth. | The gift of care and diet, it is important that provision is made for the right people and providing for one's own food in the right way. If you want to know someone, so you need only to see it, someone who bestowed his care leaves and which pages of his own nature he cultivates and nourishes. Nature nourishes all creatures. The big man nourishes and maintains the ability to launch to ensure, through it all people. Mencius VI A 14 says this: If one wants to recognize whether one is efficient or inefficient, so one needs to look to nothing else than on what part of his nature, he takes very important. The body parts has noble and ignoble, has important and less specific. You may damage the sake of the poor to the important and not to the ignoble sake do not harm the noble. Who cares for the small part of his nature, which is a small man. Who maintains the noble parts of his nature, which is a noble man. | The image bottom of the mountain, the thunder: the image of the diet. Thus the superior has eight to his words and is moderate in eating and drinking. | "God distinguishes the sign of excitement." When in spring the life forces again rain, then created all things anew. He finished in the character of the writer. " be in early spring when the seeds fall to the earth, all things done. This gives the image of nutrition through movement and stillness. The superior man takes the role model for the care and feeding of his Character. The words are from the inside out continuous movement. Eating and drinking is the going from outside to inside movement. Both types of movement are moderate with silence. This causes the silence that both exceed the mouth size is not the end of the words and not the mouth to the incoming food exceeds the level. This character is maintained. | The lines | Nine at the beginning means: | You let your magic tortoise go and stare at me with drooping mouth. mischief! | | | Die Zauberschildkröte ist ein Wesen, das keiner irdischen Nahrung bedarf, sondern solche Zauberkraft besitzt, daß es von der Luft leben kann. Das Bild besagt, daß man seiner Art und Stellung nach ganz gut frei und unabhängig aus sich selbst heraus leben könnte. Statt dessen verzichtet man auf diese innere Selbständigkeit und blickt mit Neid und Unmut zu andern empor, die es äußerlich besser haben. Dieser niedrige Neid ruft aber bei dem andern nur Hohn und Verachtung hervor. Das ist vom Übel. Sechs auf zweitem Platz bedeutet: | After the summit, business to nutrition. differ from the ways of looking from the hill Nutrition: if one does so on, it brings misfortune. | | | is it normal that it provides for its own food or feed on those who have the duty and right to lawfully, can. Going through internal weakness is unable to provide for his food, it becomes easy an unrest by bypassing the lawful acquisition by gift to his living leaves of higher pay-off. This is unworthy, for it differs from its type. This leads operated continuously to disaster. | six in the third place means: | | deviation from the diet. perseverance brings misfortune. Ten years do not act accordingly. Nothing is promoting. | | | | Those looking for food that nourishes not the sweltering staggers from desire to pleasure and enjoyment in it for desire. Passionate frenzy to satisfy the senses out, never the goal. Never (Ten years is a perfect period) you can do so. There is nothing good out of it. | six in the fourth place means: | | contact after the Summit brings food to salvation. peek around with sharp eyes like a tiger in insatiable desire. No blame. | | | | contrast to six in the second place, which means a person who considered busy only for his own gain, is this line means a person who by high point aus bestrebt ist, sein Licht leuchten zu lassen. Dazu braucht er Hilfskräfte, weil er allein sein hohes Ziel nicht erreichen kann. Begierig wie ein hungriger Tiger ist er darauf aus, die rechten Leute zu finden. Aber weil er nicht für sich, sondern für die Allgemeinheit sorgt, ist solcher Eifer kein Fehler. | Sechs auf fünftem Platz bedeutet: | | Abweichen vom Weg. Bleiben in Beharrlichkeit bringt Heil. Man soll nicht das große Wasser durchqueren. | | | | Man ist sich aware of a defect. It should provide for the nutrition of the people, but we have not the strength. We must deviate from the usual way and from a spiritual superior, but outwardly unassuming people ask for advice and help. If these sentiments persistently harbors, so you have success and good fortune. But we must remain aware of his dependence. We must not stand in his own person and want to do great works, such as crossing the great water. | Nine at the top means: | | The source of nutrition. awareness of the danger bringt Heil. Fördernd ist es, das große Wasser zu durchqueren. | | | | Es ist hier ein Weiser höchster Art, von dem alle Einflüsse ausgehen, die für die Ernährung der andern sorgen. Eine solche Stellung bringt schwere Verantwortung. Bleibt er sich deren bewußt, so hat er Heil und mag auch große und schwere Werke, wie das Durchqueren des großen Wassers, getrost unternehmen. Sie bringen allgemeines Glück für ihn und alle. | , (die Ernährung) | oben Gen, das Stillehalten, der Berg | | unten Dschen, das Erregende, der Donner | | | | |
The sign is the open-mouth: above and below the firm lips and in between the opening of the mouth. From the image of the mouth, through which one takes the food to feed themselves, the thought goes to the food itself. In the three bottom lines is our own food, namely the physical, in the top three lines, the food and care is another, namely the mental, higher, brought to the presentation. | |
The verdict the mouth. Perseverance brings good fortune. Look at the diet and thus a self looking to fill his mouth. | |
The gift of care and diet, it is important that provision is made for the right people and providing for one's own food in the right way. If you want to know someone, so you need only to see it, someone who bestowed his care can be and which pages of his own nature he cultivates and nourishes. Nature nourishes all creatures. The big man nourishes and maintains the ability to launch to ensure, through it all people. Mencius VI A 14 says this: If one wants to recognize whether one is efficient or inefficient, so one needs to look to nothing else than on what part of his nature, he takes very important. The body parts has noble and ignoble, has important and less specific. You may damage the sake of the poor to the important and not to the ignoble sake do not harm the noble. Who cares for the small part of his nature, which is a small man. Who maintains the noble parts of his nature, which is a noble man. | |
The image bottom of the mountain, the thunder: the image of the diet. Thus the superior has eight to his words and is moderate in eating and drinking. | |
"God distinguishes the sign of excitement." When in spring the life forces again rain, then created all things anew. He finished in the character of the writer. " be in early spring when the seeds fall to the earth, all things done. This gives the image of nutrition through movement and stillness. The superior man takes the role model for the care and feeding of his character. The words are from the inside out extensive Bewegung. Essen und Trinken ist die von außen nach innen gehende Bewegung. Beide Arten von Bewegung sind durch Stille zu mäßigen. So bewirkt die Stille, daß die vom Mund ausgehenden Worte das Maß nicht überschreiten und die zum Mund eingehende Nahrung das Maß nicht überschreitet. Dadurch wird der Charakter gepflegt. | |
Die einzelnen Linien | |
| Anfangs eine Neun bedeutet: | | Du läßt deine Zauberschildkröte fahren und blickst nach mir mit herabhängenden Mundwinkeln. Unheil! | | | | |
Die Zauberschildkröte ist ein Wesen, das keiner irdischen Nahrung bedarf, sondern solche Zauberkraft besitzt, daß es von der Luft leben kann. Das Bild besagt, daß man seiner Art und Stellung nach ganz gut frei und unabhängig aus sich selbst heraus leben könnte. Statt dessen verzichtet man auf diese innere Selbständigkeit und blickt mit Neid und Unmut zu andern empor, die es äußerlich besser haben. Dieser niedrige Neid ruft aber bei dem andern nur Hohn und Verachtung hervor. Das ist vom Übel. | six in the second place means: | | contact after the summit to diet. differ from the ways of looking from the hill Nutrition: if one does so on, it brings misfortune. | | | | |
Is it normal that one of its own food makes or feed on those who have the duty and right to lawfully, can . Going through internal weakness is unable to to ensure its food, it becomes easy an unrest by bypassing the lawful acquisition by gift to his living leaves of higher pay-off. This is unworthy, for it differs from its type. This leads operated continuously to disaster. | six in the third place means: | | deviation from the diet. perseverance brings misfortune. Ten years do not act accordingly. Nothing is promoting. | | | | |
Those looking for food that nourishes not the sweltering staggers from desire to pleasure and enjoyment in it for desire. Passionate frenzy to satisfy the senses out, never the goal. Never (ten years is a perfect period) you can do so. There is nothing good out of it. | six in the fourth place means: | | contact after the Summit brings food to salvation. peek around with sharp eyes like a tiger in insatiable desire. No blame. | | | | |
Anders als bei der Sechs auf zweitem Platz, die einen Menschen bedeutet, der geschäftig nur auf seinen eigenen Vorteil bedacht; ist, bedeutet diese Linie einen Menschen, der von hoher Stelle aus bestrebt ist, sein Licht leuchten zu lassen. Dazu braucht er Hilfskräfte, weil er allein sein hohes Ziel nicht erreichen kann. Begierig wie ein hungriger Tiger ist er darauf aus, die rechten Leute zu finden. Aber weil er nicht für sich, sondern für die Allgemeinheit sorgt, ist solcher Eifer kein Fehler. | Sechs auf fünftem Platz bedeutet: | | deviation from the path. Stay in Perseverance brings good fortune. One should not cross the great water. | | | | |
It is a defect is conscious. It should provide for the nutrition of the people, but we have not the strength. We must deviate from the usual way and from a spiritual superior, but outwardly unassuming people ask for advice and help. If these sentiments persistently harbors, so you have success and good fortune. Only one must be aware of its dependence . Remain We must not stand in his own person and want to do great works, such as crossing the great water. | Nine at the top means: | | The source of nutrition. consciousness of danger brings good fortune. furthers it is to cross the great water. | | | | |
It is a wise man of the highest order, of all the influences ausgehen, die für die Ernährung der andern sorgen. Eine solche Stellung bringt schwere Verantwortung. Bleibt er sich deren bewußt, so hat er Heil und mag auch große und schwere Werke, wie das Durchqueren des großen Wassers, getrost unternehmen. Sie bringen allgemeines Glück für ihn und alle. |